Wilson LJ, White TE, Selvakumaraswamy P, Byrne M (2025) Growth and ontogenetic change in juvenile crown-of-thorns sea star (Acanthaster sp.) morphology: Can morphometrics be used as an aging tool? Coral Reefs.
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Forster CY, White TE, Hochuli DF, Gloag R, Latty T (2025) Empty flowers have no impact on foraging choice in bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) in a social foraging context Insectes Sociaux.
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Salgado-Roa FC, Stuart-Fox D, White TE, Medina I (2024) Colour polymorphism is prevalent on islands but shows no association with range size in web-building spiders Journal of Evolutionary Biology voae118.
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Silvasti S, Kemp DJ, White TE, Nokelainen O, Valkonen J, Mappes J (2024) The flashy escape: support for dynamic flash coloration as anti-predator defence Biology Letters 20:20240303.
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White TE (2024) Deceptive pollinator lures benefit from physical and perceptual proximity to flowers. Ecology and Evolution 14:e11120.
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van den Berg CP, Condon ND, Conradsen CI, White TE, Cheney KL (2024) Automated workflows using Quantitative Colour Pattern Analysis (QCPA): A guide to batch processing and downstream data analysis. Evolutionary Ecology.
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McCormick J, Middleton EJT, White TE, Latty T (2024) Information cascades spread adaptive and maladaptive behaviours in group living animals. Animal Behavior 209:53-62.
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Chapman KM, Richardson FJ, Forster CY, Middleton EJT, White TE, Burke PF, Latty T, (2023) Artificial flowers as a tool for investigating multimodal flower choice in wild insects. Ecology and Evolution.
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Forster CY, Middleton EJT, Gloag R, Hochuli DF, White TE, Latty T (2023) Impact of empty flowers on foraging choice and movement within floral patches by the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Insectes Socieaux.
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Webster GN, White TE, Whiting MJ (2023) Male nuptial display colour and vocalisation appear to signal independent information in the whirring tree frog. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 77:68.
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White TE, Latty T, Umbers KDL (2023) Invited reply to comment on “The exploitation of sexual signals by predators: a meta-analysis” Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290:20230243.
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Lownds RM, Turbill C, White TE, Umbers KDL (2023) The impact of elevated aestivation temperatures on the behaviour of Bogong Moths (Agrotis infusa). Journal of Thermal Biology 113:103538.
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Forster CY, Mourmourakis F, Hochuli DF, White TE, Latty T, Gloag R (2023) Flower choice by the stingless bee Tetragonula carbonaria is not influenced by colour-similarity to a higher-reward flower in the same patch Apidologie 54:16.
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Forster CY, Hochuli DF, Keith RJ, Latty T, White TE, Middleton EJT (2023) Social media conservation messaging mirrors age-old taxonomic biases in public domain Austral Ecology 48:687-698.
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Drinkwater E, Allen WL, Endler JA, Hanlon RT, Holmes G, Homziak NT, Kang C, Leavell BC, Lehtonen J, Loeffler-Henry K, Ratcliffe J, Rowe C, Ruxton GD, Sherratt TN, Skelhorn J, Skojec C, Smart HR, White TE, Yack JE, Young CM, Umbers KDL. (2022) A synthesis of deimatic behaviour Biological Reviews 97:2237-2267.
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Vanderstock A, Grandi-Nagashiro C, Kudo G, Latty T, Nakamura S, White TE, Soga M (2022) For the love of insects: gardening grows positive emotions (biophilia) towards invertebrates Journal of Insect Conservation 26:751–762.
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White TE, Latty T, Umbers KDL (2022) The exploitation of sexual signals by predators: a meta-analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289:20220444.
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Kemp DJ, Edwards W, White TE (2022) Captivating color: evidence for optimal stimulus design in a polymorphic prey lure. Behavioural Ecology 33:670-679.
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Grames EM, Montgomery GA, Boyes DH, Dicks LV, Forister ML, Matson TA, Nakagawa S, Prendergast KS, Taylor NG, Tingley M, Wagner DL, White TE, Woodcock P, Elphick CS (2021) A framework and case study to systematically identify long-term insect abundance and diversity datasets. Conservation Science and Practice 4:e12687.
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Herringe C, Boyd KC, Middleton EJ, Latty T, White TE (2021) The benefits and costs of social foraging in velvet worms. Ethology 128:197-206.
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Tosetto L, Williamson JE, White TE, Hart N (2021) Can the dynamic colouration and patterning of bluelined goatfish (Mullidae; Upeneichthys lineatus) be perceived by conspecifics? Brain Behaviour and Evolution 96:103-123.
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White TE, Locke A, Latty T (2021) Heightened condition dependent expression of structural colouration in the faces, but not wings, of male and female flies. Current Zoology 1-8.
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Ord TJ, Blazek K, White TE, Das I (2021) Conspicuous animal signals avoid the cost of predation by being intermittent or novel: confirmation in the wild using hundreds of robotic prey. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288:20210706.
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White TE, Umbers KDL (2021) Meta-analytic evidence for quantitative honesty in aposematic signals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288:20210679.
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Saunders ME, Barton PS, Bickerstaff JRM, Frost L, Latty T, Lessard BD, Lowe EC, Rodriguez J, White TE, Umbers DKL (2021) Limited understanding of bushfire impacts on Australian invertebrates. Insect Conservation and Diversity 14:285-293.
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Butterworth NJ, White TE, Byrne PG, Wallman JF (2021) Love at first flight: Wing interference patterns are species-specific and sexually dimorphic in blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34:558-570.
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Whitney KD, Smith AK, White TE, Williams CF (2020) Birds perceive more intraspecific color variation in bird-pollinated than bee-pollinated flowers. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:590347.
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White TE, Latty T (2020) Flies improve the salience of iridescent sexual signals by orienting toward the sun. Behavioural Ecology 31, 1401-1409.
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Dalrymple RL, Kemp DJ, Flores-Moreno H, Laffan SW, White TE, Hemmings FA, Moles AT. (2020) Macroecological patterns in flower colour are shaped by both biotic and abiotic factors. New Phytologist 228, 1701-1703.
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White TE, Kemp DJ (2020) Spider lures exploit insect preferences for floral colour and symmetry. Evolutionary Ecology 34, 543-553.
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Blamires S, Little D, White TE, Kane D (2020) Photoreflectance/scattering measurements of spider silks informed by standard optics. Royal Society Open Science 7, 192174.
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White TE (2020) Structural colours reflect individual quality: a meta-analysis. Biology Letters 16, 20200001.
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Nakagawa S et al. (2020) A new ecosystem for evidence synthesis. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4, 498-501.
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White TE, Vogel-Ghibely N, Butterworth NJ (2020) Flies exploit predictable perspectives and backgrounds to enhance iridescent signal salience and mating success. The American Naturalist 195, 733-742.
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Harvey JA et al. (2020) International scientists formulate a roadmap for insect conservation and recovery. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4, 174-176.
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De Bona S*, White TE*, Umbers KDL (2020) Fight or flight trade-offs and the defensive behaviour of the mountain katydid (Acripeza reticulata). Animal Behaviour 159, 81-87.
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Gruson H, White TE, Maia R (2019) lightr: import spectral data and metadata in R. Journal of Open Source Software 4, 1857.
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O’Neil SJ, White TE, Lynch KE, Kemp DJ (2019) Male guppies differ in daily frequency but not diel pattern of display under daily light changes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73, 157.
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Blamires SJ, Cerexhe G, White TE, Herberstein ME, Kasumovic MM (2019) Spider silk colour is associated with thermal properties but not protein secondary structure. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16, 20190199.
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Paine KC, White TE, Whitney KD (2019) Intraspecific floral color variation as perceived by pollinators and non-pollinators: evidence for pollinator-imposed constraints? Evolutionary Ecology 33, 461-479.
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Maia R, Gruson H, Endler JA, White TE (2019) pavo 2: new tools for the spectral and spatial analysis of colour in R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10, 1097-1107.
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Umbers KDL, White TE, De Bona S, Haff T, Ryeland J, Drinkwater E, Mappes J (2019) The protective value of a defensive display varies with the experience of wild predators. Scientific Reports 9, 463.
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Lynch K, White TE, Kemp DJ (2018) The effect of captive breeding upon adult thermal preference in the Queensland Fruit Fly (Bactrocera tryoni). Journal of Thermal Biology 78, 290-297.
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White TE (2018) Illuminating the evolution of iridescence. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33, 374-375.
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Maia R, White TE (2018) Comparing colours using visual models. Behavioural Ecology 29, 649-659.
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O’Hanlon JC, White TE, Umbers KDL (2018) Visual communication in insects. In Insect Behaviour: From Mechanisms to Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences. Córdoba-Aguilar et al. (eds). Oxford University Press, London.
Gray M, Stansberry M, Lynn J, Williams CF, White TE, Whitney KD (2018) Consistent shifts in pollinator-relevant floral colouration along Rocky Mountain elevation gradients. Journal of Ecology 106, 1910-1924.
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White TE (2018) Cryptic coloration. Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior.
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White TE (2018) Disruptive coloration. Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior.
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Dalrymple RL, Flores-Moreno H, Kemp DJ, White TE, Laffan S, Hemmings FA, Hitchcock TD, Moles AT (2018) Abiotic and biotic predictors of macroecological patterns in bird
and butterfly coloration. Ecological Monographs 88, 204-224.
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Bulbert MW, White TE, Saporito R, Kraus F (2017) Ontogenetic colour change in Oreophyrne ezra reflects an unusual shift from conspicuousness to crypsis but not in toxicity. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society blx124, 1-9.
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White TE, Rojas B, Mappes J, Rautaiala P, Kemp DJ (2017) Colour and luminance contrasts predict the human detection of natural stimuli in complex visual environments. Biology Letters 20170375.
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White TE, Kemp DJ (2017) Colour polymorphic lures exploit innate preferences for colour and luminance cues in dipteran prey. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 191-201.
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White TE (2017) Digest: Strengthening the link between sexual selection and colour polymorphism. Evolution 71, 1913-1914.
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Umbers KDL, De Bona S, White TE, Lehtonen J, Mappes J, Endler JA (2017) Deimatism: a neglected component of antipredator defense. Biology Letters 13, 20160936.
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White TE (2017) Jewelled spiders manipulate colour lure geometry to deceive prey. Biology Letters 13, 20170027
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White TE, Dalrymple RL, Herberstein ME, Kemp DJ (2017) The perceptual similarity of orb-spider prey lures and flower colours. Evolutionary Ecology 31, 1-20.
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White TE, Kemp DJ (2016) Colour polymorphism. Current Biology 26, R517-518.
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White TE, Kemp DJ (2016) Colour polymorphic lures target different visual channels in prey. Evolution 70, 1398-1408.
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Dalrymple RL, Kemp DJ, Flores-Moreno H, Laffan SW, White TE, Hemmings FA, Tindall ML, Moles AT (2015) Birds, butterflies and flowers in the tropics are not more colourful than those at higher latitudes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24, 1424-1432.
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White TE, Dalrymple RL, Noble DWA, O’Hanlon JC, Zurek DB, Umbers KDL (2015) Reproducible research in the study of biological colouration. Animal Behaviour 106, 51-57.
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White TE, Kemp DJ (2015) Technicolor deceit: a sensory basis for the study of colour-based lures. Animal Behaviour 105, 231-243.
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White TE, Zeil J, Kemp DJ (2015) Signal design and courtship presentation coincide for the highly biased delivery of an iridescent butterfly mating signal. Evolution 69, 14-25.
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Barry KL, White TE, Rathnayake DA, Fabricant SE, Herberstein ME (2014) Sexual signals for the colour-blind: cryptic female mantids signal quality through brightness. Functional Ecology 29, 531-539.
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Kemp DJ, White TE (2014) Exploring the perceptual canvas of signal evolution: comment on Kelley & Kelley 2013. Behavioural Ecology 25, 467-468.
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White TE, Macedonia J, Birch D, Dawes J, Kemp DJ (2012) The nano-anatomical basis of sexual dimorphism in iridescent butterfly colouration. Australian Journal of Zoology 60, 101-107.
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